TheConferenceIsSecret Manifesto

We are uncovering better ways of tech conferencing by doing it and helping others to get a more superior experience.

Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and tailored community over huge, one-for-all venues
Interesting and valuable topics over trends and star speakers
Community engagement over sponsors engagement
Responding to change over repeating the same thing every year

That is, while there is value in the items on
On the right, we value the items on the left more.

To effectively answer those values, the secret org committee (here and after Orgs) come up with the following rules:

  • You do not talk about Secret Conference
  • You do not talk about Secret Conference!
  • If Attendee violates any of these rules, act toxic, or makes the Conference an uncomfortable place for any other attendees, Orgs
  • forfeit persons invite forever
  • We are a tech conference, in the first place, and an elite community in second, so Attendee obeys to attend all activities scheduled by Orgs
  • A person might only attend a Secret Conference by having an invite
  • An Attendee might obtain an invite by being active during Conference events
  • If Attendee invites a person that violates rules, acts toxic, etc. – both that person and the inviter lose their membership.
  • If this is your first time at a Secret Conference, you have to talk.